Friday, 7 March 2014

Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticky tacky...

Our house went on the market right before Christmas after finishing off all the little things you never get around to fixing or finishing (our timing is never the best, always too many things going on at once).  So since Christmas it has all been about the tender and researching design ideas and appliances and since we have sold our house we have added researching removal companies, researching rental houses, organising finance and conveyancing to the list.  No sooner have I sorted through all the masses of paperwork, more has appeared in its place.  Just as well I come from a secretarial/admin background.

On the plus side I was excited to buy a 115 metre roll of bubble wrap, then a 100 metre roll of polyfoam, and another roll of bubble wrap as the first one ran out.  Gradually packing the house up but I feel like I have only just scratched the surface.  Even with constant clean-outs over the years the amount of possessions you accumulate is phenomenal!


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